Saturday, October 21, 2023, Robson Ranch Golf.

You used to chase the clock. Now you can pursue your passion. The Robson Ranch Arizona Golf Club features 18 holes of championship golf with rolling fairways, carefully created natural areas supplemented by strategically located bunkers. While testing your decision and shot-making abilities, the course offers good scoring chances in several risk/reward situations.

GG Stats from today’s event, Tap here.

VGA Big Dog points winners for today’s event. June Vutrano scored a 65 net score to win the Robson Ranch Big Dogs event today. In second place was Bryan Nelson with a 67 net. Third place went to Joe Pilewicz at 69 net. Mark Thompson not only shot for Eagle on hole #10 but he and Gary Moffitt and Danny Campos tied at 70 nets and shared the most coveted Atta Boy award.

Big Dog points winners for this event.

Flight one top 3

June Vutrano 1st at 65 net, Bryan Nelson 2nd at 67 net, and Joe Pilewicz 3rd at 69 net.

Flight two top 3.

Steve Laveirge 1st at 72 net, Eric Neilan 2nd at 73 net, and Eddie Dimas 3rd at 75 net.

Mark Thompson shot an Eagle on hole # 10 at Robson Ranch today congratulations to Mark.

Full Stats from VGA Golf Genius

2023 Stats click here. / 2022 Stats click here. / 2021 Stats click here. Birdies (skins) scored, Net scores for each flight, all player’s scores, and CTP links, plus a full scorecard for any player by clicking on their name link in all golfer’s scores link. When you get there to find the event you wish to review click on it and open individual options, no password is required.

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Up next for VGA, Wednesday, 25 October 2023 Coldwater (+) 8:00 AM $47.00. Tap here to get the course website.

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