Saturday, October 14, 2023, Ken McDonald GC

Ken McDonald Golf Course, Tempe City course.

GG Stats from today’s event, Tap here.

VGA Big Dog points winners for today’s event. Tom Hebert the winner at 67 net well struck sir. George Kowalchik 2nd at 68 net, and Mike Roether 3rd at 69 net. Eric Neilan and James Parker shared the Atta Boy at 70 net.

Big Dog points winners for this event.

Flight one top 3

George Kowalchik 1st, Mike Roether 2nd, and Kevin Williams 3rd.

Flight two top 3.

Tom Hebert 1st, Eric Neilan 2nd, and Charles Parker 3rd.

Full Stats from VGA Golf Genius

2023 Stats click here. / 2022 Stats click here. / 2021 Stats click here. Birdies (skins) scored, Net scores for each flight, all player’s scores, and CTP links, plus a full scorecard for any player by clicking on their name link in all golfer’s scores link. When you get there to find the event you wish to review click on it and open individual options, no password is required.

Perhaps these video tips could help your game

Up next for VGA, Wednesday, 18 October 2023 Ken McDonald (+) 8:12 AM City rate. Tap here to get the course website.

This 18-hole championship course provides an excellent round of golf for every skill level at an affordable price. This well-maintained course has been a favorite to Arizona golfers and is consistently ranked as one of the area’s top daily fee courses. The course, while flat, has well-placed hazards that provide a fun and challenging golf experience. Ken McDonald also hosts a fantastic program for junior golfers.

Harley Ewing Web Mgr. Posts and updates and Tom Hebert’s company powers the VGA website

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