Saturday, November 11, 2023, Coldwater GC.

GG Stats from today’s event, Tap here.

VGA Big Dog points winners for today’s event. Don Majors won it today at Coldwater with 68 net. 2nd place went to Ron Amstutz at 69 net and 3rd place went to Jeff Darbut at 71 net. Tom Hebert and William Nelson tied at 72 net and shared the Atta Boy.

Big Dog points winners for this event.

Flight one top 3

Ron Amstutz 1st @ 69 net, William Nelson 2nd @ 72 net, and Mike Roether 3rd place @

Flight two top 3.

Don Majors 1st @ 68 net, Jeff Darbut 2nd @ 71 net, and Tom Hebert 3rd @ 72 net.

Full Stats from VGA Golf Genius

2023 Stats click here. / 2022 Stats click here. / 2021 Stats click here. Birdies (skins) scored, Net scores for each flight, all player’s scores, and CTP links, plus a full scorecard for any player by clicking on their name link in all golfer’s scores link. When you get there to find the event you wish to review click on it and open individual options, no password is required.

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Up next for VGA, Wednesday, November 15, 2023, San Marcos GR, 8 a.m., for $59 + tax.

The San Marcos Golf Course boasts a recent multi-million dollar renovation and now includes a brand new state-of-the-art irrigation system that produces year-round premium playing condition, expanded lakes, new tee boxes, reconstructed bunkers with new sand, and green enlargements on a handful of holes. The result is a strategically diverse and visually stunning layout that makes for an enjoyable challenge for golfers of all playing abilities. Click here for the course website.

Harley Ewing Web Mgr. Posts and updates and Tom Hebert’s company powers the VGA website

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