For new non-members without a Ghin #. Men and Women are welcome.
It’s easy to join the VGA. Simply click on this link and the AGA website will guide you through the process. If you need personal assistance, please contact our webmaster, Harley @ (602) 920-2782 or the AGA @ (602) 944-3035.
For current VGA members to renew their Membership.
1. To Renew your membership Simply click on this link.
2. Log in using your credentials for AGA.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen to renew your membership.
4. If you encounter any difficulties during the process, don’t hesitate to give me a call at 602-920-2782 or contact the AGA phone number (602) 944-3035. Let them know that you want to renew your VGA membership, and they will be happy to guide you through it.
5. To avoid going through this process every year, it’s a good idea to set up automatic renewal.
6. Once you’ve renewed your membership, you’re all set for another year of fun with AGA and VGA.
7. If you want to participate in a VGA event, sign up at this link.
8. As one of our players said, “ It is great to have prearranged events every Saturday or Wednesday with friends. I have to do nothing but sign up, show up, and play. Best deal in town”. We hope you enjoy your membership and have a great time playing golf with us.