Saturday, February 22nd, 2025, Encanto 18.

Encanto 18 for today February 22nd, 2025.
VGA Flight both A and B Results from today’s event.
Flight A top 3

Dr. Eric Bowers and Brian Zivkovich tied at 67 net in today’s A flight pack. Eric prevailed for first place, and Brian got second place in a scorecard playoff. They also had the lowest net scores for the Encanto event today. Rusty Silverman was 3rd at 69 net. Al Dan and James Belanger shot 72 nets. Al got 3rd place. James packed the Atta Boy home in another scorecard playoff.
Flight B top 3

Jeff Meshey won first place in the B flight with a score of 70 nets. Eddie Little took second place with a score of 72 nets. Lloyd Snively and Jeffrey Darbut tied with scores of 74 nets, but Lloyd secured third place. Additionally, Jeff received the Atta Boy award through a scorecard playoff.
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