Wednesday, August 28, 2024, Aguila and Ringers Wednesday Rd play.

VGA Flight both A and B Results from today’s event.

Flight A top 3

Rusty “The Golden Boy” shone today with a net score 71 to take first place. However, it was a tight field, with Doug Walsh and Elmer Schmidt also carding a net 71. Second place was awarded to Doug following a scorecard playoff, with Elmer settling third. Meanwhile, Joe Pilewicz and George Kowalchik earned the ‘Atta Boy’ with net scores of 72.

Flight B top 3

What more can be said about Gordon Lukert that hasn’t already been said by many generations? The Dean of VGA dominated the field with a net score of 66, the best score of the round for the field. That’s impressive, especially considering he was only one stroke of his age. Ed Kim came in 2nd with a very close score of 67 net. Fred Baldwin and Cathy Harvey tied at 73 nets, with Fred taking 3rd place and Cathy receiving an Atta Girl.

Ringers scores for today’s event click here.

VGA Big Dog point leaders for the 2024 season Click here.

Videos that may help your game

Next up for VGA, Saturday, 31 August 2024 Wigwam Red (+) Shotgun 7:00 AM $55.00.

Web team of Harley Ewing and Tom Hebert. Harley does the posts and updates and Tom also provides specialty-designed programming and his company’s servers power

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